
Morten Borge. Foto: Olav Heggø

Changes to the Board of Directors as of 16 May 2023

The Ministry of Finance has appointed Morten Borge as a new member of Folketrygdfondet’s Board of Directors. Siri Teigum has been reappointed as Chair and Tørres Trovik as board member, while Einar Westby and Trond Døskeland will leave the Board.
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Joakim Kvamvold

Excess return not due to coincidence

Folketrygdfondet has beaten the market by 1 percentage point annually since 2007. "Our report on risk-adjusted return shows that this is not due to coincidence," says financial analyst Joakim Kvamvold.
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A turbulent third quarter

The Government Pension Fund Norway, which Folketrygdfondet manages, recorded a loss of NOK 13 billion in the third quarter 2022. The return was minus 4.1 per cent, which was 0.1 percentage points lower than the market. The capital amounted to NOK 302 billion at the end of the quarter.
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2021: A record year

The Government Pension Fund Norway, which is managed by Folketrygdfondet, achieved a profit of NOK 41 billion in 2021 – a new record. The return on capital 14.0 per cent. The fund capital totalled NOK 333 billion at the end of the year.

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Q3 2021: Strong management performance

The Government Pension Fund Norway, which is managed by Folketrygdfondet, achieved a return of 2.9% in the third quarter of 2021 – 1.0 percentage points better than the market. Folketrygdfondet has not achieved a higher margin since 2008. The fund capital increased by NOK 9 billion during the quarter, to NOK 326 billion.
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First half-year 2021: Strong returns

The Government Pension Fund Norway, which is managed by Folketrygdfondet, achieved earnings of NOK 25 billion in the first half of 2021, equating to a return of 8.62% – 0.18 percentage points better than the market. The fund capital totalled NOK 317 billion as at 30 June.
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Q1 2021: NOK 300 billion in assets

The Government Pension Fund Norway, which is managed by Folketrygdfondet, achieved earnings of NOK 11.3 billion in the first quarter of 2021, equating to a return of 3.9%. The fund capital totalled NOK 303.4 billion at quarter-end.
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2020: Strong returns in a turbulent year

The Government Pension Fund Norway, which is managed by Folketrygdfondet, achieved a profit of NOK 23.5 billion in 2020, equaling a return of 8.8 per cent. Assets under management increased to NOK 292.2 billion at the end of the year.

The Government Bond Fund, also managed by Folketrygdfondet, achieved a profit of NOK 312 million. The fund has made investments in 66 different issuers with a total market value of NOK 8.4 billion at year-end.
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